Red, Green and Blue ! Boxes
RED ! |
After Mario obtain 10 stars, Mario will see sunlight shinning into the main lobby of the castle. Look up at it and Mario will enter the red ! stage. Press the big red ! button and all the transparent red ! boxes in the game will turn into real. Mario can fly after performing triple jump or being shot from any cannon with this cap. Mario can also collect 8 red coins in the red ! stage. This is one of the 15 secret stars hidden in the castle.
The way lead to the green ! stage is in stage 6. Go to the lake in stage 6 and use the swimming creature to jump over to some extended red grid with a door behind. This door lead to a pool of metallic liquid which is the entrance to green ! stage.
Press the big green ! button to activate all green ! boxes. When Mario is wearing this cap, he will neither hurt by enemy nor by fire, and also can walk under water. Mario can also collect 8 red coins here to get a star, which is one of the 15 secret stars in the castle.
In the basement of the castle, go through the door next to the door to stage 6. There is an underwater tunnel which leads to two pillars just above water level. Pound on them and the water in the moat surrounding the castle will drain away. Walk into the hole before the waterfall to the blue ! stage. Press the blue ! button to turn all blue ! boxes to real. When Mario is wearing this cap, he is transparent and will not be injured by enemy and even can walk through net, grid, picture, etc. Mario can also collect 8 red coins here. This star is one of the 15 secret stars in the castle.